Frances Perkins Center
SSSPSHOESTRING worked with the Frances Perkins Center to create an identity and PR campaign for the “Social Security Stories Project” – leading up to the 75th anniversary of the creation of social security. Shoestring created custom media lists and worked with the media to gain coverage to increase the public’s interest and participation in telling their social security stories. The results were many interviews with radio stations and newspapers throughout the country, including requests for national satellite interviews from major television programs (such as Bloomberg) and newspapers (such as the New York Times). As the PR campaign was under way, an opportunity arose to present a video at a conference in Washington. With only a week to create a video (and almost no budget or video footage), SHOESTRING took to the task and came up with a solution. Using photos emailed (and snail mailed) from people willing to tell their stories and a unique use of voicemail, a video was created. Those telling their stories recorded messages on voicemail, which was used as the narrative in the video (that was created in a Ken Burns style).    
Name and logo is a registered trademark.
The Shoestring Agency (the nonprofit's agency)