Nonprofit Messaging + Storytelling
Knowing what messages to tell (and to who, when and how) is paramount for today’s nonprofit trying to get stand out in a crowd of causes. From knowing how to interview clients and stakeholders to translating lingo for everyone to understand — we know how to craft your message. Let us help you tell your story.
“Storytelling” has been all the buzz lately in the world of nonprofit communications. But, a trendy word doesn’t equal a proven strategy. Our agency has been doing this work for more than 20 years and can put this experience to work for your mission.
Telling a great story and getting the attention of an audience is not enough. It must go further:
- Get their attention.
- Make them care.
- Move them to act.
- Give them specific options/instructions for action.
What is one of the secrets to accomplishing the above? Identifying specific target audiences and customizing messages so that they speak directly to them is one, for starters. But the core messaging and creative approach must be developed with this specifically in mind. We are able to put our experience
working with hundreds of nonprofit organizations to work for our clients.
Click on the links at the left to see some of our work or
contact us to learn more.