National Patient Safety Foundation

The Shoestring Agency Featured Client Success Story

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Turning an awareness week into a full-fledged awareness campaign. As part of the creative approach led by The Shoestring Agency, the campaign tagline “Every Day is Patient Safety Day” was created. Not only did it creatively express the need for focusing on the issue daily, it provided a transition from and connection to the awareness week. The National Patient Safety Foundation kicked off its United for Patient Safety campaign, which highlights and reinforces that all of us within the health care system have a role to play in keeping patients safe and free from harm. The Shoestring Agency was hired to develop and launch the campaign brand design/identity, develop engaging campaign messaging, design and launch the campaign website with crowdsourcing functionality and launch the campaign nationally through various outreach strategies. Patient safety is a public health issue. One in 10 patients develops a health care-acquired condition during hospitalization. Medical error causes the death of 44,000 to 98,000 hospital patients a year. Work is being done at the federal, state and local levels to address these issues but it takes all of us within the care continuum to stand united. As a result of the federal Partnership for Patients initiative, there was a 1.3 million estimated reduction in hospital-acquired conditions from 2011-2013. The Shoestring Agency led the following steps (to name a few):
►     Campaign marketing plan
►     Campaign brand development/identity
►     Campaign messaging (web and print)
►     Design and launched the campaign crowd sourcing website with NationBuilder.
►     Graphic design
►     Campaign launch/outreach
Name and logo is a registered trademark.
The Shoestring Agency (the nonprofit's agency)